There are so many ways of treating bedbugs. The most convenient for you will be by contacting an exterminator to deal with the infestation.
You can do bedbug treatment on your own. Just choose from the following methods: extreme heat, steam cleaning, diatomaceous soil, mattress cover, and insecticides.
One effective method in bedbug treatment is steam cleaning. The only disadvantage with this method is that it cannot be applied to all materials. Certain furnitures are finished with a material that cannot withstand steam cleaning. You have to check first before using this.
Exposing the infested mattress, linens, or furniture under the sun for hours can do the trick. But first, scrub and vacuum each surface.
It is important for you to know that after vacuuming the infested materials, you must dispose of the used vacuum bag properly. This is done by sealing the vacuum bag inside a plastic bag. And before putting back the exposed materials into the house, you must check for the presence of bedbugs again.
Bedbug insecticides come in sprays or in dust forms. Choose which one is suited for you. It is important for you to carefully read and understand the product label and the instructions. Observe utmost care in applying the insecticide.
Diatomaceous soil is also used for bedbug treatment. This soil is composed of single-celled algae. The soil particles have jagged edges which cut through a bedbug's body. You simply have to scatter the soil around the infested area and leave it there for a couple of days. You need not worry about the soil harming you or a pet because the particles are too small. After leaving the soil for a few days, you can remove it by vacuuming. Do not forget to seal the used vacuum bag in a plastic bag.
If the bedbugs can only be found in the mattress, you can treat it by using a fabric or vinyl mattress cover. You can put the mattress inside and seal all the zippers around it. Once the mattress is sealed inside the cover, bedbugs will be confined inside the mattress. The bedbugs cannot even eat and in 6 months or more, the insects will die of hunger. - 30446
You can do bedbug treatment on your own. Just choose from the following methods: extreme heat, steam cleaning, diatomaceous soil, mattress cover, and insecticides.
One effective method in bedbug treatment is steam cleaning. The only disadvantage with this method is that it cannot be applied to all materials. Certain furnitures are finished with a material that cannot withstand steam cleaning. You have to check first before using this.
Exposing the infested mattress, linens, or furniture under the sun for hours can do the trick. But first, scrub and vacuum each surface.
It is important for you to know that after vacuuming the infested materials, you must dispose of the used vacuum bag properly. This is done by sealing the vacuum bag inside a plastic bag. And before putting back the exposed materials into the house, you must check for the presence of bedbugs again.
Bedbug insecticides come in sprays or in dust forms. Choose which one is suited for you. It is important for you to carefully read and understand the product label and the instructions. Observe utmost care in applying the insecticide.
Diatomaceous soil is also used for bedbug treatment. This soil is composed of single-celled algae. The soil particles have jagged edges which cut through a bedbug's body. You simply have to scatter the soil around the infested area and leave it there for a couple of days. You need not worry about the soil harming you or a pet because the particles are too small. After leaving the soil for a few days, you can remove it by vacuuming. Do not forget to seal the used vacuum bag in a plastic bag.
If the bedbugs can only be found in the mattress, you can treat it by using a fabric or vinyl mattress cover. You can put the mattress inside and seal all the zippers around it. Once the mattress is sealed inside the cover, bedbugs will be confined inside the mattress. The bedbugs cannot even eat and in 6 months or more, the insects will die of hunger. - 30446
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Don't let the fear of bed bugs creep you out.. Learn how to get rid of bedbugs visit us at