Examining Advantages Of Bird Netting For Avian Control

By Steven B.t Smith

Generally speaking, using Bird netting to control avian populations is the recommended method for most any avian control program. Certainly, there are more than a few ways to employ the netting, which is often seen around airports or other areas. Netting is also cost-effective, many times more so than other methods of birth control.

In terms of what it is, exactly, this kind of netting is meant as a generally-humane way of keeping a handle on avian populations which -- if left unchecked or uncontrolled -- can interfere with a great many activities. This includes large and small-scale gardening or agricultural activities, aviation transportation hubs and other places where birds generally shouldn't be.

Typically, netting meant to control or regulate bird populations is also used in aviaries -- which are places where people can go to appreciate various species of birds, without allowing the birds to fly completely free. Quality netting can also help to repel various migratory bird flocks, which soon enough get the message and change their migration patterns away from the areas in which they've been congregating.

Another good point in favor of netting is that it can also reduce populations down to the point where the filth that is normally a natural result of a large flock is reduced down to manageable levels. When there's less filth involved there's also less of a chance of any bird-to-human disease from occurring. It makes much more sense than many other types of control measures, such as employing large numbers of staff, for instance.

Other methods of control can also be much more expensive, including trying to seed the population such that it becomes sterile or otherwise population-controlled, using noise cannons or water cannons -- both of which require human staff -- or employing the use of animals to chase away bird populations, which itself presents certain problems.

Bird netting, on the other hand, requires relatively little maintenance as long as it's properly installed and looked after from time to time. Besides, it can be quite a bit cheaper than most any other control method, as a matter of fact. Many of today's best netting products also are extremely durable, with some fairly exotic materials used to make them, meaning they'll be both very strong and extremely light in weight.

Using high-quality bird netting for avian control activities makes much more sense these days, as many municipalities, airports, agricultural concerns and other areas look to save money where they can. Netting also can keep down the incidence of bird-to-human contact, which benefits not only humans but also the birds themselves. The initial outlay can pay off greatly in both the short and long terms, as well, because it means use of less human staff, which comes with a cost all its own. - 30446

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